well seen as im new here, and you guys have been so helpful with information and other stuff i thought i would get my build diary going, well what im going to build is a rear hinged flipper bot (spam flipper).
im currently in the process of putting my ideas that i have drawn into solidworks to give u guys a preview of what im wanting my bot to look like im going for a HDPE armor and if there is enough weight spare i might give a thin metal out lining aswel to take some damage, i will be running the driving system with 2 x 12v cordless drill motors, and the flipper system will be a 230psi ram, im undecided yet on what rx/tx system to use, well thats the basics i will upload some pictures shortly of my very very rough hand drawings (looks like a 2 years has drawn them lol)
and comments and suggestiong would be great but i will hopfully keep u guys updated regualy.