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Thread: Electricals/ drive system help (sorry!)

  1. #1
    So sorry for once again asking for help, but I really can't get my head around all this electrical business, and whether my current setup's going to work...

    I'm attempting to use a brushless motor setup, with the following:

    Motor (2X)
    ESC (2X)

    Would this work? I may also have a third motor/ESC pairing on there too, but could do that on a separate battery...
    The main thing is that the motors, under the testing data pull 82A, with the ESCs being up to 85A but the maximum amps for the motor are 90A (it says I think) and then there's the whole thing about the power usage too, whether it'd work for a prolonged period of time...

    I still need to learn about all this, I think... Brushless and LiPos seem a lot more complicated than my old drill motor setup!

    Thanks in advance, it's really appreciated!
    Last edited by Flag Captured; 12th June 2013 at 22:49. Reason: accidentally the numbers wrong :(

  2. #2
    Do you mean you want to use these for drive? Because that won't work. That controller is not reversible, so you're ok as long as you don't want to go backwards. I don't think there's any reversible brushless controllers suitable for our purposes.

    If it's for a weapon then you're a bit borderline. HK recommends a 100A speedo, so an 85A one may struggle. Also, if you have two of them, that's 100A, which is more than the battery can give (5000mah x 25C = 125A. not enough to power two motors).

    Edit: Oops, just saw in the thread title that it is for a drive system. So no, it won't work.
    Last edited by duff; 12th June 2013 at 23:00. Reason: Missed the title

  3. #3
    Is it not? I'm sure I saw somewhere in the specs that it's reversible... might be thinking of the hacked Botbitz ones though, thanks for the heads up there! That was the plan too, getting some roughly 16:1 gearboxes made up and giving brushless drive a shot!

    And ah, that's what the C number means! Thanks for the help there, I think I know what to look out for now! I'll have to rethink my strategy a little here and rework things a bit too, may scrap brushless drive if it ends up being a bit of a pain...
    Just out of curiosity, what would happen if I used an 85A ESC where a 100A would be recommended, would it fry it completely?

  4. #4
    The hacked 85A speedos work in reverse, but only on brushed motors. Like I said, there's not too many reversible brushless speed controllers that are suitable for robotic combat. It's a bit of a shame as there's some crazy powerful brushless motors knocking round for next to nothing.

  5. #5
    Take a look at 'Rabid'

    FW vertical crusher powered by a brushless motor so it might give some help to reversing brushless motors

  6. #6
    If you go for a brushless drive setup with tank steering (using your wheels to steer) you will need 2 ESC's with forward/break/reverse without delay. Otherwise you will need to pause the motor for a time before it reverses, which is bad for steering.

  7. #7
    For the record, Rabid isn't currently using a brushless. For the champs it was on a normal brushed 550 motor.

  8. #8
    I then retract my statement haha

  9. #9
    For the record, Rabid isn't currently using a brushless. For the champs it was on a normal brushed 550 motor.
    Was the 550 sized motor for the weapon?
    Last edited by Porker; 15th June 2013 at 17:00.

  10. #10
    Thanks for the responses! I've decided to just go for the tried and tested brushed setup with some drill motors and Botbitz speed controllers, no point messing about on a budget like mine! Hoping to try again with the brushless setup if I ever find a pair of suitable controllers for it, mind. I've found some RC car ones that run on 4s, but I'm not sure if they do proper reverse, and I'm aiming for at least 6s anyway. Still sticking with the brushless bar spinner anyway, only need one direction for that!

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