In all my infinite originality, I've decided to convert a couple of my old Robot Wars pullbacks to RC for a bit of a laugh in the three months I've got off post exams, but I am a bit stuck in terms of how I'm going to do it for the simple fact that there's not enough space to use a typical ant motor controller along with motors, batteries receivers and all that. The ones I'm trying to convert are Panic Attack, Tornado, Chaos 2 and Hypnodisc, the last of which will be very problematic indeed, given how small the 'shell' part is...

So, I thought I'd ask in here - does anyone know of any micro speed controllers/motor drivers, motors, receivers and batteries that'd all fit in a 2cmx2cmx1.5cm square (rough measurements)? I'm needing 3 outputs on it too, for left/right wheel drive and a weapon... I know that's insanely optimistic, but I thought I'd ask before giving up...
