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Thread: Pulverizer Build Diary

  1. #141

  2. #142
    Pizza Cutter is dead. I've decided to stop it in favour of a simpler, cheaper, and possibly more dangerous idea .
    Here's a pic of a design I've made-
    It will consist of:
    24v dewalt motors-
    RMP motor mounts-
    a pololu baby orangutan-
    this lipo battery- _pack.html
    10mm laser cut 6082 aluminium bulkheads-
    6mm polycarb all round-
    16 mosfets wired to make 2 h-bridges with 8 mosfets in each h-bridge- 265724D504E266C753D656E266D6D3D6D61746368616C6C267 06D3D5E5C647B337D5B5C732D2F255C2E2C5D5C647B332C347 D2426706F3D313426736E3D592673743D52535F53544F434B5 F4E554D424552267573743D3534312D323132372677633D4E4 F4E4526
    Sparkfun ADXL193 +/-250g single axis accelerometer-
    12mm silver steel shafts-
    12mm id needle roller bearings- 265724D504E266C753D656E266D6D3D6D61746368616C6C267 06D3D5E5C647B337D5B5C732D2F255C2E2C5D5C647B332C347 D2426706F3D313426736E3D592673743D52535F53544F434B5 F4E554D424552267573743D3531342D3136342677633D4E4F4 E4526
    T5x10 25mm pulleys-
    T5x10 64mm pulleys-
    73x20mm BaneBots green wheels-
    3mm lasercut stainless steel-
    And various screws and fixings

    Please say if anything on the list seems not good enough or whatever.
    Mega Masher

  3. #143

  4. #144
    Max's Avatar

    Your links dont seem to work without copying and pasting it into the url bar so its hard to check all your parts. I think you may have unchecked the box " Automatically parse links in text"

    It will be very expensive getting all those parts laser cut and I doubt 10mm aluminium will laser cut very well as I imagine it will melt. I would still suggest starting simpler just making a cheap rammer/wedge/lifter as you will learn a lot about being at an event and about what works in a robot, you don't want to spend lots of money to find it doesn't work or gets destroyed in its first fight.

  5. #145

  6. #146

  7. #147
    You can get aluminium watercut quite cheaply.

    Unless there's a huge shell to go on this, a 10mm end-tapped (meaning no finger joints or anything) aluminium box structure doesn't sound very sturdy as the exterior of the robot. It would be fine for a regular style machine, but one which is spinning is going to attempt to skew the chassis; squares are inherently weak in the direction of forces this shape would suffer.

    Do you intend to attach teeth directly to this chassis or is there a shell to go around that just hasn't been designed?

  8. #148

  9. #149
    Well, triangulating the corners with "gussets" would help, as triangles are strong and resist compression a lot better than squares. But then, a circular body is probably the most efficient shape, in terms of strength/weight, as well as it seems logical for a spinning robot (hence others tend to build fullbody machines round or near-round polygons). I don't know the maths, but there's a chance the wind resistance of a square will make for quite significantly reduced electrical efficiency, and a circle, apart from the teeth surface area, doesn't suffer this at all.

    I realise it's harder to work with a ring design with the average set of tools, but it might be worth looking into what you have available. If there's a scrapheap near you, a rummage around might bring something up, some steel drainpipe or something could be an ideal starting point. In the past I've had thoughts about using a motorcycle wheel hub as the basis of a full body on the cheap.

  10. #150
    Max's Avatar

    Ok, just another thing, it looks like you are only getting the dewalt motors without the gearboxes- you need these unless you are going to make a large external gearbox.
    You need one of these for each motor:

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