Well it's been an eventful couple of weeks really. I made Jeff some plastic legs and gaffa taped them on to see how they looked. I originally wanted them to act as suspension but I'm not entirely sure they'll be up to the job. I am planning on re-making them out of some more junk steel I found at the skip.

Also, I've re-homed my tools into a new extremely portable setup and have started taking them with me everywhere I go. This in case I see a bit of metal someone says I can have but needs hammering off something lol. Thought I'd bung up a picture as I'm quite happy with my new purchases as I meander through the IT world fixing Servers and Macs as I go.

Designs for the hammer revolving around Ally box section and some wiper motor/gearboxes are coming on fabulously. I also have an old saucepan to bolt on Jeff's back to hold all his electronics. It's turning out to be the most fun I've had in ages building this daft robot.