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Thread: Starting 2013 with a bang....Our News :-)

  1. #11

    We will be going to the event in Colchester, and we just acquired quite a fancy camera (Nikon D3200). I intend to - if I have the time between rumbles - make a professional video, with permission of course. Perhaps that could be of use. The camera genuinely makes everything look like television!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis

    We will be going to the event in Colchester, and we just acquired quite a fancy camera (Nikon D3200). I intend to - if I have the time between rumbles - make a professional video, with permission of course. Perhaps that could be of use. The camera genuinely makes everything look like television!
    Thats mah job!

  3. #13
    Congratulations John.
    A real achievement taking the Fighting robot movement closer to greater public exposure, this has to be good for everyone in the community.
    Looking forward to Barnsley

  4. #14

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MicroGravity100
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis

    We will be going to the event in Colchester, and we just acquired quite a fancy camera (Nikon D3200). I intend to - if I have the time between rumbles - make a professional video, with permission of course. Perhaps that could be of use. The camera genuinely makes everything look like television!
    Thats mah job!
    Multiple angles = more complete production! We could collaborate.

  6. #16
    wow ... great news ... !

  7. #17

  8. #18
    John spoke to me a while back about this, and it's certainly great news and a great step forward. However I would say one thing....

    ... we need to be VERY careful to manage expectation around this. This is NOT Robot Wars 'coming back', this is a licence deal that Roaming Robots has done with the owners of the Robot Wars brand in the US to allow him to rebrand the Roaming Robots show as Robot Wars.

    Reading on the Roaming Robots Facebook page it's already clear that the biggest fear (and the reason that we didn't licence the Robot Wars name which we could have done some years ago) is that once you call the show Robot Wars a level of expectation is set with the audience/fans as to what to expect. Already there are people asking questions about what changes to the Robot Wars arena there will be when it comes back, if it will be Craig Charles presenting the show... Jayne... Phillipa etc etc.

    This is clearly a great step forward in the recognition of the brand that propelled this sport into the public mind - but we all have a duty to keep our feet on the ground.

    It is VERY clear that people are doing exactly what we feared some time ago, expecting that something called 'Robot Wars' will be the format they have always understood Robot Wars to be - and anything that we can do to manage the expectation of our audience and fans reduces that risk of disappointment.

    Managing that will be tough for Jonno to do, we're not going to help him if we disappear into our own little cloud of hysteria.

    Great steps forward, but feet on ground time for us all !

  9. #19

  10. #20
    The only problem with the house robot's as far as I'm aware is that Robot Wars LLC don't have the rights to use them in the UK so I don't think it's legal to use them at an event. Remember Robot Wars LLC are the brand, not a TV company.

    The house robots are trademarks and designs of the BBC in the UK and are used under licence by Mentorn in the television series. The house robots are trademarks of Robot Wars LLC throughout the world excluding the UK.

    It's one of those things that's so difficult to find the facts but unless it's changed recently I think the above sums it up for the UK. Many people have tried locating the House robot's but no idea if they still exist.

    As Ed said above, it could be very good if the expectations of famous TV presenter's, the main RW robots and house robots aren't there, but it's going to be a tricky one. Are there any contracts for robot's attending that stop them from attending other EO's event's etc?

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