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Thread: Battery capacity

  1. #1
    Hey guys, been looking at batteries and need to know something

    Im needing to run my drive (2 drill motors) and weapon (A28-400 mag motor) off a single battery pack due to space inside the bot

    Will only be running at 18v (Dont be too scared, only then 3ish bhp behind the disk) but not sure whats the smallest sized pack I could get away with

    Currently running 3700ah and im not sure that will be enough to last a fight, would you say it will alright or will I need larger capacity?

  2. #2
    Should be fine. Just make sure your battery pack is able to deliver the current that the mag will request

  3. #3
    What did you run your mag on in hornet 2?

  4. #4
    24v nicads then A123s. Lipos weren't really around at that point

  5. #5
    I ment capcity wise

  6. #6
    2.4Ah or around that mark. Never used more than 1.2Ah in a fight

  7. #7
    Think ill be fine then

  8. #8
    What battery type are you going to use? Your options are pretty much only LiPo with a magmotor, unless you use loads of cells of other types, but you're going to have serious weight issues if you do that, soo... my point is, make sure you use a LiPo that will happily dish out what the mag will pull, or it will not be happy.

  9. #9
    Im going to pretty much drum the rest of my cash into this feather, bulldog will have to wait as I want this done well

    Ive not nimh's of around that capacity but wont be using them, can only give 30a

    What brands would you say are good to use? And recommend a good charger for them as I know some can be dodgy but you need balencing etc

  10. #10
    I'm not your guy for recommending brands, I'm just glad you're not going to try and use NiMHs.

    Hardly your guy for recommending chargers either, as we have only used one (not including our own efforts), which is the accucel 6. We have no complaints, and I know many others use them.

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