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Thread: The Countdown To Entropy

  1. #1
    Alternatively titled...ATTTWI Reborn!

    Yep. It's back. Kinda.

    See, I figured that if I can't run a major large-scale tournament with serious, thrilling battles at the moment...I can at least make do with writing totally random and asinine battles. That remain thrilling. And violent. And gore-splattered. Maybe.

    Format? What format? Anybody can enter a number of anything they want! That'll decide the format! As long as the list isn't retardedly long (and I'll decide that :P). Just make sure that if you want to reference a specific thing, PLEASE LINK ME TO IT. Please. Even if this is a random tourney, I don't want to mistake something for something else and then get yelled at for getting it wrong. :P

    Line-ups posted when I feel like it. :P There will be many house fighters though. And most of them will be very different from before.


    House fighters


    Asterix the Gaul -

    Big Mac - ... but for my own purposes, this one is different:
    A weird house fighter in a package of a regular Big Mac. Or is it? It appears in a losing competitor's need, but when they bite into it...who knows what may happen? Only those who have a great strength of stomach can resist the call of the Big Mac!

    Auguel Helnstrom (original character)
    A big, beefy man with a heavy accent. He wields a great broadsword but he prefers to fight hand-to-hand most of the time. Has strength to match the Earth's gravitational pull and can punch through a block of meter thick Hardox.

    Exa-Gore-Ic (original character...kinda)
    A huge, planetary half-android organism that can control Mother Nature herself. Has an indefinite amount of energy and power and can unleash it all at once and recover instantly within seconds. Spends time wandering through dimensions when bored.


    Lillymon -

    Jedah -

    Dormammu -

    The Seeman -

    The Grim Reaper

  2. #2
    King Leonidas huh?


    ( )

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Note: you can enter a lot of things, so long as the list isn't retardedly long (and I'll decide that :P)

    Either way, I have a good two first entries

  5. #5
    I will enter the extended bat family :P

    I'll make a list...

  6. #6

  7. #7
    I'll have Captain Marvelous alias Gokai red. With all the Ranger keys at his disposal.

  8. #8
    Great, great! Keep 'em coming guys!!!

  9. #9

  10. #10
    You most certainly may.

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