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  1. #1
    hi I had an idea
    you get paid for getting like 300 likes on YouTube so if we all liked eachothers films (no matter how bad) that's free money
    you like aha

  2. #2

  3. #3
    you can only like a video once per profile so good luck making 1000 0000 profiles

  4. #4
    Im a youtube partner so i get paid whenever anyone views any of my videos. The payments aint that high. You have to be getting 100,000s of views to earn a noticable income.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    how do you be a you tube partner?

  7. #7

  8. #8
    There's also a restriction on content - you're not allowed to use video clips or music that you don't have permission to use. Okay so we all do it in our videos and may have to put up with ads, but if you're a Youtube partner you cannot do this. You can however create your own music or use tracks from a 'creative commons' selection of music readily available for generic use.

    You can apply to be a partner somewhere on the Youtube site I'm sure, but most often Youtube will contact you to suggest it. I've been contacted on two of my pages because a couple of videos have got 130,000+ and 20,000+ views respectively, but I can't register for it because the first video is Battlebots footage that I randomly found online and the second uses licensed music for which I don't have copyright permission.

  9. #9
    I think the title here is quite inappropriate. If you really want to get anywhere on YouTube you need to invest quite a lot of time, effort and (I speak from experience) money. I became a YouTube adsense/revenue user in 2010 and have recently become a YouTube partner, even with these credentials the pickings are slim. I don't put content on YouTube for the money but I know plenty of people who's main job is putting content on YouTube. There are thousands of channels using the Adsense and partnership schemes and far more who have tried to, there are SO many small channels nowadays that you will be competing with its not even funny.

    Having said that, if you really work for it and invest tons of effort you can become more well known and earn a reasonable amount of revenue. Just be aware it's not one of those get rich quick schemes. If that's what your looking for you would be better off selling something on eBay.

  10. #10
    yeah suppose so
    thanks for the advice and sorry for the misleading title

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