Good to hear Harry, they ought to be providing more torque than many cheap drills (the motors come from a factory making drills for the American market at RRP ~$45) as they're a different build of 'speed 550' than you'll normally find.

I first heard of the bearing popping issue last week, it seems either vibration and/or temperature changes (creating expansion/contraction of the plastic) are causing the problem rather than axial loads. I will now be recommending that all users put a small cover on the front of the motor of some form if they're not mounting via the front surface. I imagine that for those of you that it's happened to so far the second bearing took up the load? Not ideal but hopefully not a damaging problem- please contact me (or PM) if either pressing a bearing back is too difficult or you've had other issues and I'll make sure it's sorted.

Dave, Mario's hit the nail on the head in that it might not be the best motor/gearbox that money can buy but it's absolutely the best that £24 can- Nylon was used for the ease of machining and ease of threading (inserts) over aluminium which would cost significantly more to produce for the same function. Furthermore all parts, including front plates were cut on a 3-axis mill and so features are only cut into one side of each part hence the front bearing not being on the other side of the Nylon front piece.