Quote Originally Posted by blazerbotics
Seraph i would classify as having a weapon, and isn't boring. I agree more robots , the better, but it seems by the end of the event, not enough are running. Maybe we scrap the competition and just do all whiteboards for the feathers?

I understand what your saying Will, i do try and not attack the more advanced robots, but sometimes they are the only/first ones immobile, so I dont get alot of choice! I do only try and give them one hit, Battleaxe is basically as low powered as it can be, i can turn it up alot more, but dont. I have thought about having a lower power setting on the flipper for the feathers.
Not too fussed on the whole active weapon rule but I would say we need to be better about providing info on how to do it. Simple fact is an active weapon rule make it harder to get into the sport. Whilst i accept that they are simple to make when you know how, it's the knowing how bit which can be a bit daunting (wiki anybody??)

Oh and also about push bots. Tiny Toon, 540 etc can be really good to watch. Maybe it's simply a limitation on the motors you can use (eg: if you use drills or bosch 35's then you need a weapon etc). High speed impacts are a very effective weapon and tbh you can make a good mod 1 gearbox using some plastic a hack saw and a drill.

As far as battle axe goes I find it tends to cause far more damage than Major Damage ever does. I think the reason for this is pretty simple and that's the weight of the axe head and the size of the impact surface. i think MD's axe head is hollow so actually less destructive. Maybe something to consider as it would have no bearing on the show but would mean you do less damage to the feathers so they end up running for longer. (although i would accept that MD does do a bit more damage running over stuff