• Killerhurtz

      • Weight: 80kg
      • Height: 30cm
      • Length: 120cm
      • Width: 80cm
      • Speed: 16mph
      • Year built: 1998
      • Status: Retired
      • Weight class: Heavyweight
      • Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

      9.5mm Lexan and some Titanium
      2 x 24v Electric motors powering its 4-wheel drive. Uses car-style steering.
      Pneumatically powered axe with interchangeable axe-heads. Front has a Titanium blade to inflict damage when ramming.
      Interchangeable axe-heads give it a lot of options for attacking opponents.
      Turning circle is very wide making side and rear attacks easy.
      Team Hurtz
      John Reid and Nick Lynch
      Killerhurtz was the first robot built by Team Hurtz in 1998, it has taken part in the UK Robot Wars from Series 2 to Series 4 where it hasn't enjoyed a lot of success in the heats despite having very good achievements in the Battlebots tournaments abroad in the USA, it also took part in the First World Championships of Robot Wars where it represented Czech Republic due to team member Dominic Parkinson being half Czech. Killerhurtz has taken part in a few events outside Robot Wars like Roaming Robots, but it is now retired and John Reid now fights with the more successful Terrorhurtz.

      • Robot Wars - UK Series 3 - Equal 8th place in Pinball competition with Mortis (1999)
      • Battlebots - Long Beach 1999 Runner-Up
      • Battlebots - Long Beach 1999, Winner of Best Driver Award
      • Battlebots - Las Vegas 1999 Quarter-Finalist
      • Robot Wars - UK Series 4 - 3rd in the Pinball Competition (2000)
      • Battlebots - Las Vegas 2000 Finalist
      • Battlebots - San Francisco 2000 Semi-Finalist
      • Battlebots - San Francisco May 2001 Quarter-Finalist
      • Battlebots - San Francisco November 2001 Finalist