• Kan-Opener G Spec

      � Weight: 99kg
      � Height: 18cm
      � Length: 130cm
      � Width: 110cm
      � Speed: 25mph
      � Year built: 2009
      � Status: Active
      � Weight class: Heavyweight
      � Location: Northampton, Northamptonshire, England

      4mm Titanium
      2 x 750 watt Bosch motors running on 24v, also runs on 3 Lithium ion 33v 420amp batteries
      Hydraulic crushing jaws & battering ram. Jaws can crush with a force of 4 tonnes, rear end also houses a blade on the tail to inflict damage when ramming
      Is invertible and its jaws are interchangeable
      Has a high ground clearance and is vulnerable to axe attacks
      Team Thor
      Jason Marston
      Kan-Opener G-Spec is one of the many Kan-Opener models that were manufactured by Team Kan-Opener in 2009. In 2012, it was sold to Jason Marston the owner of Thor after Team Kan-Opener retired from combat robots. Kan-Opener's jaws are not only powerful enough to crush a car, but they are also interchangeable to suit the opponent it is fighting. The jaws can either be the normal piercing ones, spiked, have big flat plates or small flat plates. The previous versions of Kan-Opener haven't enjoyed much success in the UK Championships of Robot Wars despite winning the Annihilator twice in a row.

      • Robots Live! - 3rd in Burgess-Hill 2012
      • Robots Live! - Team Championships 2012 Runners-Up with Team Mighty Reds