Another Sunday passed, another day with Colin working on our robot!

Before I arrived, Colin had cut the holes in the main chassis as to where the wheels were going to go, so today we could get straight on with other things.
After lots of cutting, welding and measuring every movement of things, we got to the point where the basic chassis shape has now taken form, it's amazing what a few bits of metal can do! We purchased some extra fabricating metal to help hold everything in place, which we've already found use for, with lots extra left for future use.
Colin took a few photos of the days work and outcome, and he'll post them in another post soon.

We also had a few discussions as to how the wheels will later connect to the motors, discussing things like ease of access / rapid repair vs extra padding against certain weapons in the long run, found time to joke over possible end paintjobs, and we conversed about the best way of acquiring all the electrics for usage later on, look out for a possible post on that in the coming weeks from myself or Colin.

I'll be taking next Sunday off, as i'll be on a 6 hour coach to Renfrew, Scotland, to watch a recording session of the next season of Robot Wars. But hopefully it'll be all ahead full as normal Sunday after!