I wanted to start a discussion for those who are excited and/or perhaps unsure of the future of the existing robot scene.
There are going to be big changes in the way things are, in this community some are going to be brilliant, but some may not be so welcome.
New people will be attracted to Combat Robots we should welcome them, and at the same time remember what things were like in the silent years. we as a community over the last 12 years have shown a good deal of resilience, good humour and comradery. We are a community that has proved it can survive and succeed without the Oxygen of TV.
My call is to go forward into this new chapter remembering who we are, as a united and caring fellowship, remember this exposure is for a time (hopefully quite a long time) but there will come a time when this chapter will close and we will be the small community of like minded enthusiasts working everything out for ourselves.
My call is to not forget who we are!
