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Thread: RogueTwo Robots

  1. #511
    Looking Great Jamie! Cant wit to see it going, always performs well.

  2. #512
    I really liked the ring teeth, shame about the vibration, the finished bot is looking really good

  3. #513
    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Just hope it performs better this year!

    I've just weighed the robot in its completed state and it's coming in at 11.3kg
    So 2.3kg to spare and nothing more to do to it. Could possibly increase the thickness of the armour after the champs, but I don't think that would provide much of a benefit. Other option could be to try and pack more weight into the drum.

    The plan is to go back to a four-tooth drum after the champs, so my best bet would be to increase the thickness and diameter of the teeth to try and bring the robot closer to the weight limit (while maximising damage potential of course )

    Anyway, I'll be taking it to work tomorrow in the hope that I'll have a few spare minutes to test it out. Test subjects will probably be some old drawers and cupboards (maybe some aluminium rail) so nothing hugely challenging, but that's all there really is available. Video should follow within the next day or two...

  4. #514
    Well even if you dump a lump of lead on the back, get to the right weight (spinners less likely to hurl you away) plus its squashy so will absorb impacts. You could also melt it easily so you can pour the right shape.

  5. #515

  6. #516
    Had a quick wee test at work today, but me being me, I forgot to take my camera. Wasn't a whole lot to film though; it was a wooden cabinet it was up against but it was quite mouldy/damp so instead of bits flying off everywhere, there was mostly just lots of sawdust. But my colleagues seemed suitably impressed.

    The drum had about four spin-ups during the test and was running for about three minutes, but by then the drum wasn't reaching its full rpm and you could hear it running down. The battery was setting off the low-voltage alarm by the end of it, so suspicions about the battery capacity have proven to be an area that needs addressing.

    Two options: the first one is that I need to beat all my opponents within a minute or two
    The second, more feasible, option is to connect two packs in parallel. Going to a single bigger capacity pack is fine in theory, but there isn't enough space as the packs get bigger as the capacity increases. But I'd bought a second 18.5V 2200mAh pack to act as a spare, and there's enough space to fit it on top of the existing pack (provided that doesn't cause any safety issues and that parallel connection of lipo packs is fine) so sorting that out will be a job for the weekend.

    But that aside, the test showed no major problems. Drive was fine and drum was fine; probably the first test I've ever done that has ended as a result of low batteries rather than something coming loose and/or breaking

  7. #517

    So took a trip down to the industrial estate today to give Drumroll a run. The results were good; each battery pack went for about four minutes at full power before starting to show signs of running down, so I feel more confident that one pack will be enough to last a battle, and with two packs, I can have one ready and waiting to go into the robot as soon as its last fight is finished. The drum is also running very smoothly with minimal vibrations, so that's another bonus.

    The test itself was just against an old computer scanner. Nothing challenging I know, but it's all there was lying about so it had to do. It smashed up well but after a few hits there wasn't much left of it to attack, so I resorted to just going nuts with gyro-dancing


  8. #518
    nice moves jamie you could side flip all the way down the arena

  9. #519
    That's a lovely machine Sir! I like the destructive power and you've an excellent victory dance. I trust you will sort out the getting stuck part

  10. #520
    It's looking brilliant! I know it's deadly, and I can only say this because I'm not fighting it in qualifiers, but, it's small and it does little dances and it kind of... I find it... c-cute?

    I keed I keed, looking very forward to meeting it and watching it destroy things!

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