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Thread: FRA UK Featherweight Championship 2014 hosted by RoboChallenge

  1. #111
    By the looks of things I am driving Ricochet in GSL 2014, this will be interesting

  2. #112
    Hi Sam Yes thats no problem Il alter your form for you.

  3. #113
    Hi James, I know its early to be asking, but can you give us a rough size for each team's pit area? Just a rough estimate will really help me with packing all the tools and accessories. Also, what's security like? Do we need to totally clear out all our gear at the end of each day?

  4. #114
    Each robot is allocated half a trestle table. Space is always a premium but is not a problem so long as people keep to their own area. Over night there are security people in the halls but if there is anything of specific value we do allow people to put certain bit in the arena which is kept locked alternatively take valuables with you.

  5. #115
    Least Like to Face: no one, don't care lol
    Most like to face: Galactus, it'd be like taking candy from a baby...
    Best fight: Explosion v 720, I think it would be a close one.

  6. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by james...venom View Post
    with 4 qualifying battles each we are hoping to spread the points out more as last year if you didn't win a couple by knockout you would be pushed to get through. Also with 4 qualifiers thats 8 opponents which means everyone should get a better blend of opponents.
    4 qualifiers 8 opponents? Is the round one still melee this year then?

    Always wondered wondered how I'd do head to head. Never get through to those.
    Last edited by psychostorm; 14th March 2014 at 17:24.

  7. #117
    Least like to face: any of the flippers, definitely a quick KO if I mess things up
    Most like to face: LS4/NST/720 - I'd like to think my machine will be set up to stand against the tougher spinners, so there's nothing like a trial by fire!
    Best fight: Going slightly off topic, I'd like to see Venom vs 360. You know, sort out the age old Razer vs Hypnodisc debate and all that!
    Other than that, I'd say Massacre vs Little Spinner 4 would be an interesting one. Could end up like Typhoon 2 vs Megabyte, however...

  8. #118
    New Axebot; (not come up with a name yet).

    Least like to face - Explosion . It has bouncy armour which isn't the best for an axe to do damage!

    Most like to face - NST. I think it would be the most exciting fight for me, knowing that if I fire the axe at the wrong time it could just tear the head straight off! I think I could out drive it but would be a very interesting and exciting fight.

    Best Fight - 720. Its very well protected on the top and bottom, so even with a powerful axe isn't likely to do a lot of damage. Super fast drive so tricky to keep head on at but I think we would both keep going for a very long time.

  9. #119
    James- on the new format during the initial 3 way fights, will the seeded robots be split up, preventing seeded robots clashing in the first round? Or do all robot names go into one hat regardless of ranking?

  10. #120
    Do other sporting competitions split up seeds? I think RW used to do it, one seed per qualifier.

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