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Thread: Team Eventorizon: Build Diary

  1. #321
    Single toothed, ey? That's something you don't see on drum-type spinners often! Is Conker 3 going to be in the championships?

  2. #322

  3. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by Flag Captured View Post
    Single toothed, ey? That's something you don't see on drum-type spinners often! Is Conker 3 going to be in the championships?
    I sure hope so. We have had a small set back in making the parts but if I can be in the right places at the right times to get stuff done then yes, it will be there!

  4. #324
    This all happened Saturday but this is the first of the bulkheads being machined for Conker 3.
    2014-03-15 15.40.25.jpg
    As you can see, the Alumec 89 is machining beautifully: so shiny! In there is also the weapon which has been sandblasted to remove all the surface rust and grime and is now looking pretty sweet. The two shafts there are the front wheel supports, made from 10mm grade 5 titanium which was a total pain to machine, tap and die but we got there!
    2014-03-15 15.38.04.jpg
    The top and bottom titanium plates now sandblasted.
    2014-03-15 15.39.20.jpg
    The final thing to do now I have decided not to buy new batteries is the design of the internal part holder. I am going to 3D print it so each ESC and battery has its own padded space and I have proper cable routing.
    Conker 3.21.1 Internal Mounting and components.jpg
    If I can get this all done in time it should be worth all 21 major iterations and the hundreds of variations at each stage. It will have been a whole year in development as I started designing it around the end of February last year, quite the trek but will have been worth it!

  5. #325

  6. #326
    2014-03-29 18.30.39.jpg

    Binky is ready for the 2014 champs!

    Just got to glue the power light in and recharge the batteries and she is good to go.

    Can't wait for the draw on Monday!

  7. #327
    Where's the paint?
    Are you leaving the link hanging like that?

  8. #328
    Yep, my Dad prefers it like that rather than a fresh coat of white paint, and I do too.

    After I painted Binky the first time I didn't actually like the white. Now it is worn and damaged it looks more realistic. makes it look bigger somehow too.

  9. #329
    Still think that links dodgy as hell

  10. #330

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