It's sunday!

Myself & Colin got together this Easter Sunday, and focused on electrics again.

During the week, Colin had worked on the lid for the ESC box, it's now got quite a strong lid to it that should easily do nothing more than be a little dented from something like an axe attack.

We started off by creating the cable that'll link the two LiPos together in serial, seeing as that needed two connectors on both sides, and last week we had a few issues getting the soldering going accurately. This week was greatly improved in that regard, using a soldering iron I brought up that's a little more powerful, only by 10W, but it made all the difference. Again, we used a gas torch to help melt the solder deep into the bullet connectors base instead of just around the edges to get a much better and hard wearing connection. We then moved on to all of the other places that'll later need wiring together, adding connectors so we don't have to do these as we come along to them.

We also setup the status LED to wrap up with, it's currently being fed through a seperate set of 3 AA batteries, which will be reduced to two with a small modification to the battery holder next week, as 3 slightly overly stresses the LED. The LED circuit is looped through the main link, to ensure despite its seperate circuit, it'll always accurately reflect the status of the bot being armed or disarmed.
The LED is shone through a hole in the lid of the ESC box, which gives a very vibrant and immediately obvious effect.

Next week, we're hopeful we'll be able to wire it up and have a proper test run. We've still to determine which of us will later go on to drive it, so we may setup a quick assault course and see who can drive it more accurately. We also need to work out the best way of firing the weapon, using a simple extra remote that is standalone with its own receiver, or an extra panel wired into the main transmitter on a long cable.

Todays not many images, next week, we'll make sure we get a proper shot of the lid of the ESC cover. It's shown here in the second image, with the new armed status light brightly shining through it.
