Hi all,

I thought I would introduce myself (couldn't find a new members thread?). I've been lurking on the forums for some time and, like most people, have been wanting to build a Robot since I watched the first series as a child!

A little about myself...I'm from Telford (Shropshire) and I'm an Electronics Engineer by profession; my background is mainly in high reliability, safety critical design for various things Although I've also worked in more commercial/industrial electronics.

Like most Engineers/hobbyists I have an endless list of projects on the go and don't ever seem to get any finished, so why not add a bot to the list! I've just finished building a CNC router (cuts Aluminium nicely) which will certainly come in handy.

As far as ideas go I'm still deeply in the thinking stage. I know it won't be a flipper (when I went to Robot Wars live the other month this is pretty much all I saw!). I'm perhaps thinking along the lines of a crusher but I've also been thinking about a bot which can clamp and lift another robot off the floor which can then be carried around the arena (into the pit etc.). Plenty of thinking to do!...
