Hey everyone,
For my first robot I'm planning on building a beetleweight, but unfortunately I don't really know what I'm doing yet, so this is my ‘help me fix my idea’ thread.
I've got a quick concept CAD done to show what kind of design I want to go for, a dustpan with a gripping claw:
Named Orchid Mantis, same as the design I submitted for the RWRA2 Mod.
I tried to make it about the right size, based on the dimensions for the wheels using 50.8mm Fingertech snap wheels. The robot itself is 30cm wide x 34.5cm long x 4cm tall, but that’s definitely subject to change based on how much room the internal components would take up, and how much everything weighs. I made the mockup with 10mm HDPE in mind for all the sides, with a 2mm aluminium baseplate and top (on the main chassis bit, not including the dustpan).
The claw on top is pretty much a placeholder – I’m not yet sure of the best shape/materials for it, nor what should power it.
Not sure what the dustpan should be made from either, or how it should be fitted. Could I maybe use a hinge to get 0 ground clearance on it?
As far as parts go I was looking at the mini 1000rpm motors and 10a brushed ESCs from Ranglebox, as well as this radio + receiver: http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking...x_Mode_2_.html
And this battery: http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking...Lipo_Pack.html

So am I on the right track here?
Thanks for your time