"I'm out.

No. I mean it. I'm out.

I can't do this, man. I can't do this! It was bad enough seeing Marti blow up and Joey with his head stuck in the U-bend! Now somebody's managed to make us pummel Playzooki to pieces through the power of reefer madness!? Good God, I nearly got him stuck in the ceiling like a people pancake!

You see this? This is me getting out my mobile. This is me calling the police again. This is me putting my mobile back in my pocket. This is me pulling out Wedge Devo's batteries. This is me throwing them in the bin. And this is me running away to lock myself in my room with a big spanner, the minibar and underpants full of terror.

Disqualify me! Kick me out the country! Run me over with the RastaRef! I don't care! I'm not taking one step back into that arena until this contest stops turning into the James Wan version of And Then There Were None! I've read the original book, guys! That don't end well!

That's it, man! Game over, man! Game over! What the flip are we gonna do now!? What're we gonna do!?"