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Thread: why are these weight classes are not more popular?

  1. #91
    Possibly, I have no idea what I am doing with them. Other than how they plug in to one another and to the motor and battery I have no idea how they work.

    How would I know if I had done that Alan?

  2. #92
    depends what interface you have, if its a Derek Foxwell one (can be seen here ... ronics.jpg ), then there will be 2x two pin connector blocks on it, these should have a jumper in them (the blue looped wires on the pic). Its basically an off switch for the controller.

  3. #93
    Ahh I see, I will add a picture of it after this post. It is not that one sadly.

  4. #94

  5. #95
    Its a Ian Swann interface, never used one so don't know much about them. Technobots use to sell them, might be worth popping them an email see if they have a copy of the manual for it. I use these in Battleaxe and my off roader

  6. #96
    I did have a copy of the manual, but Jamie has nabbed it . I'll see if he has any ideas if he's managed to read it.

  7. #97
    The good news is that I have now read them

    And I think I might know the issue. The flashing LEDs indicate that the interface is in configuration mode, which is where you can set ramp rates, weapon switching points and all that jazz. Don't worry too much about that stuff just now.

    I'm going to repost your picture to help keep track of things:

    You've got your two cables on the left-hand side that connect to your receiver. There are five plugs and they're currently plugged into the top two; well, that's the issue :P
    Working from the top, the five plugs are:

    • Configuration input
      Weapon 1 input
      Weapon 2 input
      Left/right input
      Forward/reverse input

    So if you put the forward/reverse plug (bottom input) into the elevator socket on the receiver and the left/right plug (second-bottom input) into the aileron socket, that should give you single stick control and it should all work (in theory!)

    According to the manual, to enter configuration mode, you move the left/right connector (J6) to the configuration input (top one, J3), turn the transmitter on and then power up the interface, wait for the LEDs to stop sequencing, and then the configuration setup can begin.

    There's too much involved in the configuration process for me to explain here (and I only half understand it all without seeing the board and LED patterns) but since I've now read the manuals, I'll stick them in the post since they'll now be of more use to you

  8. #98
    Ahhhhh I see, I will give that a try and see if the outcome is any better. I did notice that the LED was blinking differently when I put leads in various different connectors, but without the manual I would have been there for days with all the different combinations.

  9. #99
    Well the manual is now in the...ahem...capable hands of Royal Mail, so you may never see it again

  10. #100
    Cheers Jamie, I couldve just got it off you at Edinburgh didnt have to to to all that trouble. Ill see if whatbyouve explained works anyways

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