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Thread: UK Robotic Games

  1. #51
    We need some confirmation on the rules as well, as we brought up the same issues. We dont want to build this thing within the rules for them then to change!

  2. #52
    I had better point out that both Simons and my boxing robots were concieved and built before the UK Robotic Games rules were made.

    Paul and Co. have strived very hard to make a set of build rules so that fair contest can be had.

    The intention of our boxing robots was to entertain. UK Robotic Games rules state that the robot should be higher than our with the intention that they can be knockd over and hence lose the fight. Last man standing!

    Different build rules, different purposes.

    When we build the next ones watch out. They are going to be something VERY special.

    Please do not let Simons or my boxers distract you from building to UK Robotic Games ( come on someone, make an abbreviation here )rules and intentions.


  3. #53

  4. #54

  5. #55

  6. #56
    looks like it was fun, good to see the boxers actually fighting each other. i wish work wasnt so busy or id of made my way down there. still its a bit more inspiration ot get on with our boxer.

  7. #57
    Those boxers are really quite shockingly entertaining, yet they are so simple! Looks like theyll catch on quick. The Zeobot looks great, its definately abit different to what the leaflet said about 6 months ago . Cant wait till you give us some more information on that little beastie.

    Any chance of a completely separate section for the UK robotic games? Chances are that this thread is going to grow very quickly

  8. #58
    stu's Avatar

    UK Robotic Games do have their own forum to chat in detail about the challenges, new bots, rules and so on at the web site.

    Mr Stu

  9. #59
    I know, but this one seems to be used more, hardly anyone has posted on the ukrobotics forum, I guess this forum has become the central meetingplace for crazy people like us.

  10. #60

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