Hi all,

Im an Italian newbie in RW.

Your words are very sharp and infamous.... but after all you have right.

RW in Italy isnt a national sport like football but some people with much fun try to build robots with some results (like Frollinos Team).

We luck in techinical experience and the hardware is hard to find... therefore RW in Italy is a very difficult hobby.

James, you said: ...which would probably settle out of court to avoid the fight.

Its not true. We respect and enjoy the fight but only when the level of our robots is good enougth.

To improve our robots we need to fight...but where ?

I dont know which are your problems and your hard points but I know the Italian Roboteers need a place to fight.

There are any other arena outside the England ?

I think this forum is a great opportunity to improve our skill.



P.S.: My english has to be improved much more than my robot