Alright, so quick update. I've gotten most of the components delivered now: the actuator, HDPE, Battery etc. The only parts I still need are the motor mounts (which are en route, I'm told) and the ESC's (which are currently out of stock). I just have a few questions I'd like to rattle out there.

1. What guage of screw would you recommend for 10mm HDPE? The only barrel nuts I could get locally were ones for 6mm screws, and I've been led to believe that barrel nuts are the best for holding HDPE pieces together, but I worry that they won't leave enough space when going lengthwise though the 10mm. As a side note, what are some recommended lengths for the screws as well?

2. Does a linear actuator require an ESC, or can a simpler method be used to control it? It's not like I'd need to control the speed it travels at, but just in terms of interfacing with the battery and receiver, what is the best way to go about it.

3. What would you consider good ground clearance. The wheels I'm looking at now (Banebots 3-7/8") I'm estimating would give me 10mm clearance all around, bar the front. Should I aim to reduce or increase that?

4. Will just having the tip of the front of the machine be made of 12mm HDPE be OK, or should I attach some metal to the front. If so, how far up should the metal go, and what are some ways of securing it while keeping the face as flush as possible?

Cheers for reading.