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Thread: Using winch motor for weapon drive?

  1. #11
    I thought the low startup torque was only because of it being difficult to monitor back EMF until the motor's up to speed - surely sensored brushless should have no problem?

  2. #12
    That's correct; I see a big difference in the start up performance of sensored VS sensorless motors in the same conditions. It also depends of the ESC, some brands seem to have smarter firmware to handle sensorless start-up. IMHO, most ground-based ESCs are designed for higher RPM motors that are run flat out. They don't need low speed control and sensors, so asking them to do low speed fine control in bots is not ideal.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by BrentwoodSchoolRoboteers View Post
    Brushless controllers are very expensive from what I can see. When you say heavy how much are we talking. Motors are heavy at the best of times!

    In terms of weight saving, we're getting 4.5ishKw constant power (under load) for a motor weight of 1.25Kg (Slightly less now that I've chopped the excess shaft off of the end).

    In comparison, a similar brushed motor (ME0708, which is admittedly the first 4.5ish KW constant motor I found on google) is 12.7Kg.

    However, as Gary says, for the first couple of seconds, the raw torque generated by a brushed motor is far superior, but after those first couple of seconds (as low as .5s), it's a dead heat. For anything with a larger moment of inertia, it will be slower to spin up, but not by much - as soon as it breaks that moment of inertia, the brushless can pull more power and dump a bit more torque, so can spin up to speed perhaps 1-3 seconds slower than a brushed. Other roboteers, feel free to correct me.

    Brushless motors are also more efficient in general, and don't really require servicing. The PWM curves, as Chris will tell you, are fun to deal with.

  4. #14

  5. #15
    Sensorless brushless motors are only efficient if your ESC is decent. Otherwise they can be shockingly inefficient at low speeds.

  6. #16
    Why does basically nobody use sensored motors? Are they afraid of the hall effect sensors breaking? Even then, surely they'd still run in sensorless mode, assuming you've got the ESC to cope.

  7. #17
    The problem is, those first few seconds, or even second are incredibly valuable. It doesn't take long for a rush across the arena to happen and most spinner impacts occur when the weapon has relatively low RPM. The big impacts are few and far between and generally due to chance more than anything else.

    Thermal mass of the motor is another issue. I have no concerns about an etek burning out (my wiring and batteries are more likely to) but I just don't have the same confidence with brushless kit.

  8. #18

  9. #19

  10. #20

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