Hi there I'm a new round here and I know Ant weight robots are not talked about much around here but I thought I share my first steps into robot building.

As for a team name I'll just go with Coolspeedbot.

Anyway this post will look at my first bot Alpha-Wolf

Alpha-wolf or as I like to think of it as the trial and error bot as the pictures will illustrate.

Using the parts from the kit bought from robotwars101.org I started with mounting the motors to the base using sticky pads and cable ties.

After that I started glueing the frame to the base and what I would mount the weapon servo and power switch to.

With the back panel and the top part of the frame added, I put the electronics into the robot as you can see the radio gear and the 'speed controllers' was put in the back, the battery in the front and the weapon servo on top.

And the final steps was to add the flipper panel and the amour to Alpha-Wolf. Sadly as the next set of pictures will show Alpha-Wolf broke before I could get it into a actual fight with another robot.

Sadly after doing some tests of the drive and flipper the frame broke making the robot structurally weak. I tried to fix the problem by remounting the servo and make a new frame sadly due to my messy trial and errors that was impossible so I decided that I would do a complete rebuild and that would come in the form of Killer-Wolf which the build diary for that robot will follow.