Quote Originally Posted by craig_colliass View Post
Hi I'm always looking at improving the weapons on all my robots and have some things in the pipeline.
with all axe bots either electric like mine or pneumatic like Thor, the amount of energy you can in practice put in is limited.

When Gabriel hits another robot you can see it lift off the arena floor as the force of the impact travels through to the wheels and causes the tyres to break away from the arena surface. the only way I can increase the load is to increase speed of the rotation or better grip tyres. I'm looking into both!

When Thor operates it's weapon when the hammer swings it lifts the robot off the floor with the centrifugal force! Beta has had to resort to lots of interesting stuff to stop this from happening.

Don't think the sword does no damage the pictures below show DM with damage from one blow from stand still from Gabriel. the sword actually cleaved a slot in it's head.


It is harder to notice that watching the fight on TV I suppose. People are using some really tough armor these days that can take a tough blow.