Just thinking the drum off competition needs a rule-set put in place… if anyone has anything to add to this, feel free;

Drum off competition rules

All robots entering the drum off must comply with FRA build rules at the time of the event.

A drum shall be defined as a weapon where the width of the weapon exceeds the diameter, the direction of spin must be vertical.

Each team can only enter one machine into the competition. The robot must be driven by the builder.

Each entrant into the drum off must surrender a component of there robot (or a spare part) to be attached to the trophy.

All entrants must sign the trophy prior to the fight to show agreement of champion status to the winner.

The fight has no time limit, the fight stops when all robots are dead or tapped out.

Losers of the drum off surrender all bragging rights to the champion, regardless of there ranking outside of the drum off.

thoughts? Nick? jamie? Gunty? etc…

Dave Moulds
722- best drum robot in the world