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Thread: Wiring

  1. #1
    Trying to wire up 2 x 24v batteries to a link and into the Roboteq, want the result to be 24v 6Ah. Rather than the possibility of a fire and hundreds of pounds worth of damage I thought i'd make sure I was doing it right here.

    Is this how it should be done? Apologies for the crudeness of the drawing:

    EDIT: Drawing made a bit clearer

  2. #2
    Oh, and the 2 wires going into the link I presume will have to be both the same.

  3. #3
    surely just wire the packs up in series and connect one negative to the roboteq and the positive (with link on) to the roboteq

    or does it have to inputs ?

  4. #4
    Has 2 inputs, wiring them in series is 48v and the ensuing fire would be detrimental to my pocket.

  5. #5
    i'll go back to the fw section

  6. #6
    kane's Avatar

    The 2 wires on the roboteq are for current handling and should be connected together outside of the controller. E.g. Connect the two reds together and the two blacks together. Put your link on the positive side of the batteries (Red cable) else pulling the link may risk damaging the controller.

    The batteries need to be connected in parallel to gain you 24v 6Ah (assumes 2x 3Ah packs). That is positive on pack A connected to positive on pack B; and negative on pack A connected to negative on pack B.
    Kane Aston

    Co-owner and builder of BEHEMOTH

  7. #7
    Something along these lines then Kane?
    [attachment=0:3i214qda]Untitled 2.png[/attachment:3i214qda]
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
    That will give you 12volt.

  9. #9
    How would I do it to get 24v on duel inputs then? Actually, 12v is probably better for the motors i'm using, Bosch 400's tend to cook at 24v don't they?

  10. #10
    Pack 1 positive to link,
    Pack 1 negative to pack 2 positive,
    Pack 2 negative to speed controller.
    I can't draw on the mobile sorry !

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