Sure pick away, will help if I can or point you in the right direction
Sure pick away, will help if I can or point you in the right direction
If you wanted to know about kevlar, I may be able to help a bit?
Is Kevlar used same way as fiberglass? I want it for a non combat robot application.
I need a material stronger than fiberglass that I can make into a shape I need with a smooth finish.
Does anyone know what material gemini used for their shells? Something same as that ideally!
Last edited by ady; 15th April 2013 at 21:16.
In a nutshell, yes it can be. But what resin you use might be different. It kinda depends what its for, but like carbon-fibre it's usually best done with epoxy in layered sheets, but that requires a vacuum-bag.
Kevlar isn't much good for structure. It's too floppy!
Bought a huge old latheMFL seems so long go. I should try new batteries in TwoTooDoo