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Thread: Excellent Rainbow Video

  1. #11

  2. #12

  3. Yep were all insane


    (or is it just me?) (probably)

    Team Gore

  4. #14
    Hmmm, Im not insane according to that test.

    Excellent that means that my doomsday device is perfectly sound *presses button and the earth is slapped with a giant mackeral*

  5. #15
    (wonders why the mackerel didnt destroy the world) :wink:

    Team Gore - revolutionizing the vapourbot world

  6. #16

  7. (rips off some guy with his $110 for EXTRA HARD hardox and puts it on top of Andys) There! Now we dont have to worry.

    Team Gore - revolutionizing the vapourbot world

  8. #18
    oops, wrong dimension, thats a different one that the mackeral is in,, itnerdimensional travel always makes me confused cos you can never remember whats where, or when for that matter.

    But atfer checkign my reference the doomsday for this dimension is *drumroll* the incredible blackcurrent jam jam of the apocalypse; luckily for you people it shouldnt be ready for another 30 000 years yet so youve got time top buy more hardox to make you feel better, but it wont save you!

    *breaks down into manic cackling*

  9. #19

  10. Im offering half number of zeroes mega potatoes all oyu have to do is put a penny in a high interest account by now and by the doomsday machines ready youll have sufficient funds to buy a potato; half of proceeds go to Doomforall incorporated. The rest goes ot charity.

    I guarantee that any proceeds raised wil lgo towards makign a potato proof doomsday device, cpet the stuff that goes to charity. Plus im savign all the thigns that the charity money goes otwards ocs im so nice.

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