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Thread: Roaming Robots, Bristol 17/18th July

  1. #131
    Just Got Home

    Stu maybe the coloured glow-sticks taped on Rampage created an yellowey/orangey glow and confused Mark. Ill have to put the name back on.

    Well Done jonno and crew excellent pizzas

  2. #132

  3. Dont know what I was thinking. Sorry I knew it was Rampage :sad: just cant think clearly in the morning. Of course he won, he had some good motors in there .

    Looks like that last melee smashed the magnets in the weapon motor and did the speed controller at the same time so a bit more repair work than first thought.

  4. #134
    stu's Avatar

    Oh Dear - get it fixed Mark. Go Big Nipper!!!

    good Motors - LOL!!! Not biased are we Mark? hehe.

    Mr Stu

  5. #135

  6. G3 is fine, a wire came out, thats why it died. We found the reason the bar on the back bent so easily as it was missing a bolt, which attached it to the main supports, so only had the polycarb holding it! Great event, although it was big audience and competition it was still nice and relaxed. And Ewe 2 finally beat us after 6 attempts (although i think the fact that we couldnt move had something to do with it :P ).

  7. #137

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