I have started this thread as I could find no where else that this was being discussed. I have recently had an email from Roaming Robots suggesting that they are thinking of setting aside 4 frequecies for ANTs at mixed events. It doesnt say if only those frequecies will be available for ANT if so 4 out of 33 seems a little unfair. The main problem as I see it that the frequencies are scattered about so although no feathers would be able to use those frequencies the ANTs could still not use them when any of the adjacent 8 feather frequencies were in use. Surely if we are proposing to split up the frequences it should be done as a group of frequencies for each robot weight thus most 10khz spacings will be in the same arena and there fore usable simultaneously. Also to enable the ANTs to fight melees we need more than 4 frequencies. Any one else like to comment