Ed, youre wasting you money buying expensive nicads. Do what Typhoon do and buy the judges!
Ed, youre wasting you money buying expensive nicads. Do what Typhoon do and buy the judges!
Hope that was a just a bad joke.
ways to defeat typhoon:
take a VERY powerfull flipper (like, ehm, Gravity ) with almost NO weight in the front (like, ehm, Gravity). If typhoon hits the nose, both robots just fling apart with no damage. Keep repeating this till the powerfull flipper with no weight in the front (like, ehm, Gravity...) gets 1 flip in...
good ?
I notice you say that *after* youve sold Gravity, WJ. :-)
Interesting theory, but presumably this only applies if you get whacked from the side. An end-on (partial overlap) hit, although it exposes T2 to a flip, would throw the whole robot backwards and apply resistance to the force of the impact. It might help, but youd have to be very careful, and youd need to ensure that you were never hit behind the end of the flipper.
(The lightweight movable bit to take the impact was what I was getting at with my rotating ring theory, albeit with a different subsequent attack method).
Of course, the lightweight bit wont slow T2 down much, so you need to make sure you get the heavy backside out of the way once the front has been flung sideways...
Ed: so you *were* running with extra batteries? You did make a post about your qualifying round (IIRC) where you said youd not used full armour for speed purposes; just curious. Without being critical, for someone who can control where youre being hit, you didnt half get dinged a lot on the corner of the panel which failed (I presume youd have been better with the blade hitting the flat front face of Storm, and winced at potential broken bolts every time the corner got hit).
We had enough control to ensure we got hit on the front rather the sides, not going to say we could then choose where on a 1ft wide front we could choose to have Typhoon hit us from 30ft away in the booth ! If you can, well audition you for driver :P We ran every fight with four battery packs - we cant fit in extra packs !
Hi Ed, when is the report on the semis & final being posted on http://www.teamstorm.comwww.teamstorm.com ?
:-) Thanks, Ed. And I am under no delusions about my driving ability (at least yet). Im not sure to what extent Ill want to be an active link in the chain which causes my robot to get trashed when I eventually build it!
I just winced cause I could see you were getting hit on what I guess is a weaker point. Corners *bad* (part of my design philosophy). Dont know whether it would have been worse for the weapon to take the blade full on instead, though!
I feel Ed should just have gone full whack at Typoon on the word Activate, instead of following them around and proving to the judges they wouldnt back off and keep on the chaise. Good tatic, but i think the full head one would have been better.
You never know, in the first big hit, lifter comes into action and tips typoon over, You just never know. We all live and learn.
Mr Stu
Audition as driver of Storm 2?....
how do you apply for that then?
As to beating Typhoon, WJ had the right robot, but the wrong tactic.
If Gravity vented CO2 through the front then even missed flips would work as the co2 kills the petrol engine.... lol. hey, why flip, just vent co2 at them all day, imaging the scoring.
damage 0
style 1
control 1
aggression 0
Damage 0
style 0
control 0
agression 0
dull fight but there you go.
Storms best tactic would have been to go full power everywhere, they would have to hit eventually (or neither would win!) and the bigger the impact with Typhoon the more chance they had of breaking it. Granted that works both ways, but storm was built for it and had more weight available to build strong, typhoon could only ever have 50kg into the strength, and with all the components.....
How about Typhoon Vs. Stinger?
My thought is that any robot that is trying to go under the Typhoons cutters is making life hard for themselves. Theres a lot more of it above. Even just pushing there means you can get them into trouble. A well placed lathe tool is even better.