soz, but the next version of gravity will be back to basic. Im using a 67 mm bore x 320 mm stroke ram (old one I had laying around) and 2 fire extinguisher valves to control it. Drive will be powered by wheelchair motors. The sport is costing me waaay too much money, and to be honest, the sport isnt that big here in Holland.
Could be true that I jinxed myself there, but hey, what could I possible fear from a box on wheels ? only 1 thing I see now and its not the puncturable tires, its the heigth of the wedge. Take a robot like Big Nipper, this has 2 points sticking out of the front of the robot (doubling as lifter and cruncher) which are impossible to get under, once he has em fully down... To be able to get under another robot equals to be able to control a battle.
And by the way, it didnt run that bad on 2 flat tyres, now did it
and @ Frank: I just dont like something weaponless. And dont get on about its a weapon by itself blabla, I just see it differently.