The concept of this book was inspired by a robot challenge that my elder son was set while studying for his computer systems technology degree, from watching "Robot wars" and latterly from watching "Battlebots". The following is from the back cover of the novel: "From a very young age, Robert had liked robots. This was not exactly surprising as he had a very mechanically minded father. But when he got to the age of 11 something happened which dramatically changed the course of Robert's life, An event which would leave a permanent scar on him. Two further occurrences came about which were to steer Robert's life in a new and exciting direction, the opening of a rather special shop in the town of Waterford, and the arrival of Aaliyah, the American girl who came to his school when he was 14. Set just after the new millennium, this whole story rotates around the building of hobby robots, the use of computers and the various relationships of the people involved. With chapter titles almost entirely computer related and the book cram full of various computer and robot inspired topics , this exciting and heart-warming story is a must for any child or teenager who loves anything of a technological nature. It also challenges the whole concept of stereotyping, underlining how ridiculous it can be." Just one further comment is that because of the way in which I write, I have discovered that adults like reading my books for young adults as much as teenagers themselves. It is suitable for children from the age of 10 years and upwards.