Hi all!
So after about 2-3 years of regularly building and fighting beetleweights and the odd bit of live event feather rumbles in between, I thought now would be a good time to try to make the move towards higher weight classes and having seen them fight the middles seemed very appealing to me. With that in mind, I figured I'd post up here just to get some ideas from folks and see if the forums are still seeing much use!
As you've seen from the title my main question here is about pneumatic rams. I'm looking to build a pneumatic hammer and have been thinking to use a 63mm cylinder diameter ram on 10 BAR to power the weapon, using your standard rack and pinion gearing setup. My question is, do people think that'll be powerful enough to cut it? What size rams and pressures are people using in whatever they've built? 10 BAR feels a tad low on instinct, as I know feathers often use 8 BAR for their systems, but it's a lot easier to get 10 BAR parts than say 15 BAR.