Hi folks.

I'm thinking of putting a heading hold type gyro into Ensign Crusher in an attempt to keep him on the straight and narrow, or at least remove another layer of design flaw from the machine to emphasise the driving incompetence yet more starkly.

Does anyone have a preferred gyro type to make feathers go in a straight line? Other than a 5 kg 6000 RPM drum.

The ones I have seen are...

Designed for cars. Looks small, can't see any way to adjust in the pictures.

Looks very similar in spec to the above, slightly more expensive, has direct and remote gain adjustment which seems useful (especially to turn the gain to zero when it breaks, bot gets flipped, etc.).

Cheaper, similar size, designed for flying things so will possibly have kittens when it only gets commands in one axis? Essentially, it's very cheap so there must be a catch, but it's also very cheap so I prefer it.

Any advise from inside knowledgeable heads would be most gratefully received!