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Thread: BattleBots UK competitors :)

  1. #151

  2. #152
    This text for more than 3 months is on this page!

  3. #153

  4. #154
    Please tell us you are taking supernova? That machine would still hold it's own in terms of power

  5. #155
    We've got featherweights hitting harder than supernova did back in the days.
    Still, with current advances in tech, supernova could be easily upgraded to the new standards.

  6. #156
    Has anyone been contacted by Battle Bots regarding their decision on the series 2 applicants I'm getting worried now!

  7. #157
    Nope. Seems to be getting delayed and delayed, not sure if the recent RW announcement has had any bearing on their plans. But as with RW, they could do with letting people know sooner rather than later!

  8. #158
    For those who haven't followed the Team Saint thread on FB, we have not been selected for this years Battle Bots, The reason given is they have fixed amount of money for transporting the robots to the show, so only a small number is going from the UK. this seems reasonable to me and after all it is an American Show and they don't have to have anyone from the UK.
    I'm still looking forward to the show as a spectator this year,
    I am wondering who will be successful who ever it is lets do a little better than last time.

  9. #159
    Last edited by IceMaster; 11th May 2016 at 19:22.

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