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Thread: How to make an antweight

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Not that I'm aware of. What servos do you have?

  3. #13
    Yep ants are quite simple.
    You will need to mod them to make the servo shaft go 360 degrees
    Speed modding is also useful.
    You can find youtube videos etc of how to do it aswell.
    Whenever I mod it fails so Im not saying anything more

  4. #14

  5. #15

  6. #16
    these will fit onto a gearmotor with a d-shaped shaft.
    if the botbitz have d shafts

  7. #17
    I use these wheels. I drill their centre hole out to 3 mm and grind them down to a 20 mm diameter. Sometimes they require a little CA glue to keep them on.

  8. #18
    Phil is right, servos aren't the best solution, but they are the cheapest. If you can afford the botbitz motors and controllers and the postage then definitely go for it. I know Marto is also manufacturing a kit which will be very reasonably priced.

    But if you want cheap and cheerful, using servos you can probably make and antweight for less than £15.

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Servos needn't be too slow - the TowerPro MG90s are easy to speed mod with some spacers, which increases the speed considerably to be on a par with some gearmotor driven robots.

    They have nowhere near the power or torque or durability of the motors though - and as a pair of motors, mounts and wheels cost less than £40 I would reccommend them strongly if you're looking to be competitive (although with a big enough weapon, servo drive is doable!)

    Ants do have a very busy calendar - there's three World Series a year and at least that number of other events, plus the fact they run at just about every heavyweight event too, I don't think any other weight class will get you more battles!

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