Deathly Hallows
Good things come to those who wait
, 25th February 2018 at 22:47 (14456 Views)
I hope that's true!
The armour/chassis for EKW has taken a while to organise. Unfortunately I am away for work this week, so no chance to put it together even if the parts arrive. Promise to get it built at first opportunity.
I am also working hard preparing a design for a featherweight. Today I went to the 20th anniversary of RobotWars Scotland get meet up in Edinburgh. Got a lot of helpful info.
Everyone is so willing to share thoughts and experience. Which is really nice, helping a potential opponent.
After watching all series one RobotWars (they were so fragile!), and enjoying a little bit of celebratory (20 years of RW) cake, we were talking about the lack of events in the North and particularly Scotland. With the TV boosting the interest, and the huge push in Scotland (UK in general) for S.T.E.A.M (or STEM) there should be support from government education to run feather weight events. inter school, inter university leagues would be a brilliant way to encourage the next generation of engineers. How to get this into the ears of the people who make decisions? Not sure. But I think it's worth pursuing.