Fighting Robots Association 2013 Featherweight Awards
Results of the FRA Featherweight Awards 2013 as voted by members of the community.
Best Design
• Tormenta 2 - A unique and effective lifter design built with minimal resources
• Rabid - Effective yet simple electric pincer
• Predator - Stunning and beautiful creation based on the heavyweight Warhead
• 720 - Very solid and reliable drum spinner
Winner - Predator
Best Engineered Robot
• Predator - Stunning and beautiful creation based on the heavyweight Warhead
• TS3 - Compact and eye catching spinner
• Galactus - Extremely well put together drum spinner
• LH3 - Very effective and tenacious axe
Winner - Predator
Best Driver
• Ellis Wares - Relentless attacking style
• Dave Moulds - Gyro dancing & excellent pit evader
• Michael Oates - Always very controlled and precise execution
• Guilherme Ferreira - Tenacious driving style
Winner - Dave Moulds
Best Newcomer
• No Toy - All round well designed electric axe
• Binky - Super sleek spinning disk
• Scruffy - An edgy and compact electric lifter
Winner - Binky
Most Innovative Machine
• Rabid - Effective yet simple electric pincer
• Bitzawood Revo - Robots on a budget
• Tormenta 2 - A uniquely effective lifter design built with minimal resources
• Predator - Stunning and beautiful creation based on the heavyweight Warhead
Winner - Tormenta 2
Outstanding Achievement
• Team Beast - Repeatedly successful in every competition
• Team Toon - All 3 robots ranked in top 10 last year, Relentless and great achieving competitors
• Team Invade - Finalists for a record 3 years in a row & current champions
Winner - Team Invade