• Fighting Robots Association Featherweight Championship 2012

      Fighting Robots Association Featherweight Championship 2012


      4 4 Toon
      Beauty 2
      Beauty 3
      Beauty 4
      Bitza MK2
      Bruiser 1
      Bruiser 2
      Dizzy Tilly
      Inertia XL
      Ironside 2
      Johnny 2x4
      Lambda Delta
      Laser 2
      Little Hitter
      Metal Beak
      Mini Mighty Mouse
      Murphies Law
      Push n Shove
      Tiny Toon

      Competition Format


      The competition was a double elimination knockout tournament. In the qualifying rounds robots compete in a three way melee with 4 points for a knockout, 3 points for a win, 2 points for second place and 1 point for entering the arena and moving. Robots that failed to make it to the arena or could not move scored no points. The top 10 robots based on score go through to the knockout stage of the competition.


      Robots compete one-on-one through each round with a losers melee through each stage.



      Robot Score Robot Score Robot Score
      LF3 2 Explosion 4 Laser 2 1
      Lambda Delta 1 Beauty 2 4 Dizzy Tilly 2
      Conker 1 Inertia XL 4 4 4 Toon 2
      NST 4 Cyberon 2 540 1
      Satanix 2 Beauty 3 4 Carnicus 1
      Tiny Toon 4 Tormentia 2 �
      Venom 4 Metal Beak 2 �
      Satanix 4 Cyberon 1 Conker 2
      LF3 2 Metal Beak 1 Beauty 3 4
      Laser 2 2 Dizzy Tilly 4 Lambda Delta 1
      Inertia XL 1 Tormentia 2 NST 4
      Tiny Toon 1 Explosion 4 Venom 2
      Beauty 2 1 4 4 Toon 4 540 2
      Carnicus 4 Chuck �
      Dizzy Tilly 2 Metal Beak 1 Tiny Toon 4
      Beauty 3 4 Tormentia 2 540
      Satanix 1 NST 4 Conker 2
      Lambda Delta 2 Venom 4 �
      Beauty 2 2 Laser 2 1 LF3 4
      Explosion 2 Cyberon 1 Inertia XL 3
      4 4 Toon 3 Carnicus 2 �
      Flow 4 Murphies Law 1 Galactus 2
      Wedgie 2 Push n Shove 1 Drumroll 3
      Ripoff 2 Little Hitter 3 Omen 1
      Aftershock 1 Cobalt 3 Bitza MK2 2
      Ironside 2 4 Bruiser 2 1 LS4 2
      Beauty 4 3 Bruiser 1 2 Invictus 1
      Johnny 2x4 1 Reavenger 2 Mini Mighty Mouse 4
      Centrifuge 2 TS2 3 Kaizer 1
      Mini Mighty Mouse 2 Drumroll 4 Bruiser 2 1
      Omen Beauty 4 4 Cobalt 2
      Ripoff 4 Johnny 2x4 1 LS4 2
      Wedgie 1 Kaizer 1 Bruiser 1 4
      Reavenger 1 Push n Shove 2 TS2 4
      Galactus 2 Little Hitter 3 Bitza MK2 1
      Ironside 2 Aftershock 2 Flow 3
      Invictus 2 Centrifuge Murphies Law 4
      Omen 1 Cobalt 4 Reavenger 2
      Mini Mighty Mouse 4 Push n Shove 2 Aftershock 1
      Drumroll 4 Galactus 2 Centrifuge
      Wedgie 4 Johnny 2x4 1 TS2 2
      Bitza MK2 4 Invictus 1 Kaizer 2
      Bruiser 1 2 LS4 4 Murphies Law 1
      Bruiser 2 1 Beauty 4 2 Ripoff 4
      Ironside 2 2 Flow 1 Little Hitter 4


      Robot Score
      NST 12
      Beauty 3 12
      Drumroll 11
      Venom 10
      Explosion 10
      Ripoff 10
      Mini Mighty Mouse 10
      Little Hitter 10
      Tiny Toon 9
      4 4 Toon 9
      Beauty 4 9
      TS2 9
      Cobalt 9
      LF3 8
      Inertia XL 8
      Dizzy Tilly 8
      Flow 8
      LS4 8
      Bruiser 1 8
      Satanix 7
      Beauty 2 7
      Wedgie 7
      Bitza MK2 7
      Carnicus 7
      Tormentia 6
      Ironside 2 6
      Galactus 6
      Murphies Law 6
      Conker 5
      Reavenger 5
      Push n Shove 5
      Lambda Delta 4
      Laser 2 4
      Metal Beak 4
      Cyberon 4
      Aftershock 4
      Invictus 4
      Kaizer 4
      Johnny 2x4 3
      540 3
      Bruiser 2 3
      Centrifuge 2
      Omen 2



      4 4 Toon Vs Tiny Toon Vs Cobalt Vs Beauty 5 Vs TS2Winners: 4 4 Toon and Cobalt

      Eighth Final

      Mini Mighty Mouse Vs 4 4 ToonWinner: Mini Mighty MouseBeauty 3 Vs LH2Winner: LH2Explosion Vs VenomWinner: ExplosionCobalt Vs DrumrollWinner: CobaltNST Vs RipoffWinner: NST

      Eighth Finals Losers Melee

      4 4 Toon Vs Beauty 3 Vs Venom Vs Drumroll Vs RipoffWinner: Ripoff

      Quarter Finals

      Mini Mighty Mouse Vs ExplosionWinner: ExplosionLH2 Vs NSTWinner: NSTCobalt Vs RipoffWinner: Cobalt

      Quarter Finals Losers Melee

      Mini Mighty Mouse Vs LH2 Vs Ripoff
      Winner: Mini Mighty Mouse

      Semi Finals

      Cobalt Vs NST
      Winner: NST

      Explosion Vs LH2
      Winner: Explosion

      Third Place Playoff

      Cobalt Vs LH2
      Winner: LH2

      Grand Final

      Explosion Vs NST
      Champion: NST