
I'm currently constructing a heavyweight robot.
The main design aims are:
Very heavy armour.
Crushing weaponary.
Highly reliable.

The robot is split into 2 sections, the mobility part and the weapon part. This makes the weapon modular.

There are 9 (A4 sized) 10mm thick hardox500 armour plates which can be moved to different parts of the robot, depending on opponent (e.g. increased top armour for axe/hammer opponents).

The thickest armour at parts of the robot is 42.5mm thick, made of 4 layers of various materials.

The main weapon can exert approximately 75,000N - 100,000N of force. Equivalent to approximately 7500kg - 10,000kg. This is concentrated to two spike like structures.

I'm hoping for this to be completed in 8 to 10 weeks time.
