Thanks Michael, but now I got more issues... always something with this damn robot, haha...

Got three that immediately spring into the fray and are the most important, especially as 5 minutes ago I just dry tested it on top of the drill set I've been using to drill holes into the bot haha.

1) How the hell does one make and mount wheels to drill motors? The ones I made, the counter helix screws keep unscrewing themselves and, therefore, the "wheels" keep falling off.

2) I got the damn thing to move the motors, which makes me smile... the only problem is that they spin in opposite directions. I move the stick forward, the right motor moves forward, but the left one moves backwards. How do I get them to spin the same direction?

3) Once I do that, how do I get the bloody thing to steer? Do I need to mix the signal in some way? And if so, how?

I know it's a very shoddy representation, but this is what I'm working with...


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.